Good Afternoon Folks,

I recently had a chilly but fun pre-wedding shoot with Adele and Andy who will be having their wedding in the lovely Felbridge Hotel in East Grinstead.

We have lots of plans to utilise the available light that the hotel has, and we put some of our plans into action during the shoot. Albeit a little nippy we did venture outside as you can see, and I think it was a case of shared bodily warmth!!!

I have three images to share today, one of Adele and Andy with some super lighting in the bar, and two outside shots sharing some tender moments together.

Have a great Jubilee weekend everyone, if you are having a street party, have lots of fun with your neighbours.

I have two weddings this weekend, so lots to look forward to. It is so lovely capturing the day that is the start of a new and wonderful chapter in my couples’ life.

