Good Morning Folks,

It has been a whirlwind of a couple of days as I have been with Emma Tindley at the launch of her 2014 collection at the White Gallery London. I joined the team on Monday and Tuesday and it was great to catch up with Jill and Pips our model. The venue was fabulous and Emma’s area looked amazing; the aromas that were wafting in our white gallery boutique were sublime; anyone who wandered by couldn’t resist popping in for a sniff! Only the finest in bridal design are able to exhibit at this prestigious event and it was great to be amongst so much talent with some very famous names in the industry.

I was taking some shots during the event and we all loved chatting to the magazines and potential new stockists, so much so I think Emma may have been losing her voice as we headed home yesterday; anyway here is a short slideshow to show you what it was all about and the music I have used is a homage to the Gastby’esque trend that was a major part of the show.

It is now that the planning for the official 2014 collection shoot starts in earnest; what do we have up our sleeves I wonder πŸ˜‰

Claire πŸ™‚
