Preparing Your Maternity Photoshoot
Today I am writing an article about preparing your maternity photoshoot and a few top tips to keep your bump looking fantastic.
I was delighted to receive another Highly Commended in the MPA monthly critiques for April and this time it was for a gorgeous maternity pregnancy image.
Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise
I have spoken to lots of Mums and Mums to be, the advice that comes up time and time again is moisturise as soon as you can, so the moment you know you are pregnant, get moisturising!!
There are lots of amazing products on the market but ones that are mentioned the most are the Clarins oils and moisturisers. Lots of my Mums have sworn by them to reduce stretchmarks and they help after the birth too.
Clarins also specialise in maternity massage, it could be something to think about in preparing your maternity photoshoot and having a little pamper session at the same time too.

When is the Ideal Time to have my Maternity Photoshoot?
Your bump will be looking just gorgeous from about 33/34 weeks onwards, most Mums to be like to come along during maternity leave.
It is something nice to do during the time before baby arrives, there aren’t any pressures of work and it’s a time to celebrate the future.
Bring your partner along too as this is a time to remember together. It can be hard for your partner, so preparing your maternity photoshoot together ensures they are included at this special time.
Make a Day of it
Why not treat yourself and your partner to something nice after the maternity photoshoot. It could be an afternoon tea or a meal out. It’s an opportunity to spend some time together before your little one arrives.
If you already have little ones, a treat based around them could be good. It can be difficult for siblings to accept a new brother or sister, so a little treat creating excitement about their sibling arriving could help.
Hair and Make-up
Much like a wedding or a holiday don’t have your hair cut immediately before your maternity photoshoot. Let your style settle in for a week or so and style your hair as you would usually.
Take time to do your make-up too. You want to feel your best and have beautiful memories to look back on. Most of all don’t try anything new with your hair and make-up before the shoot; this is not the time to experiment. You want to arrive feeling confident and assured.

When do we View the Images?
It is really lovely to view the maternity and newborn baby images together. For two reasons really: –
1. You probably aren’t wanting to come back for a viewing before little one is born. Your maternity photoshoot should be the memory to cherish.
2. It is so lovely to take you back to your maternity photoshoot and then reveal your newborn images; it’s quite emotional and wonderful.
When should I book?
Do your research and get in contact with your chosen photographer to check their availability. You don’t want to be leaving it until the last minute to book your experience and find your photographer is not available.
What Photographer Should I Book?
Well I am going to say Me, but I won’t, ahhh but I just have!!! You should make sure the photographer you are considering is qualified and they are maternity and newborn photographers too. There are lots of camera owners out there who purport to be photographers. Do your research and choose a qualified professional photographer.
Celebrate your Bump
Celebrate your beauty and create some lovely memories with a maternity experience, when you look back you will be so glad you did.
Here are the links to the Clarins Products and treatments:-
Products – Click here
Treatments – Click here